5th Edition
18-19 October 2024

KICC - Kenyatta International Conferece Center

THEME: Transformative Empowerment: Breaking Barriers and Bridging Gaps for Women Educators in the 21st Century



Driving the advancement of education in Kenya 


Promote products and services for teachers and schools 


Recognizing extra ordinary women in education. 


Witness Africa’s first beauty contest for teachers as they dazzle the runway with confidence, flair, and grace. 


Empowement of Women Educators

  • Tools & Resources for professional growth 
  • Highlighting success stories

Breaking Barriers in Education

  • Identifying challenges and developing strategies for inclusivity

Ensuring quality Education for all

  • Improving and sharing best practices for quality education

Promoting Mental Wellness

  • Raising awareness and providing mental health strategies

Understanding CBC

  • In-depth understanding and insights into CBC implementation 

Emphasizing transformative changes

  • Role of technology and innovative teaching methods in 21st century education 

Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced empowerment and leadership among women educators.
  • Strategies for overcoming gender based barriers
  • Initiatives to promote mental wellness
  • Better understanding and implementation of the CBC
  • Improved quality and inclusivity in education
  • Adoption of innovative teaching methods and lifelong learning 


Align with excellence

  • Associate Your Brand with KEWOTA: Partner with KEWOTA, a premier organization at the heart of empowering women educators and promoting quality education in Kenya.
  • Credible Forum for Education Discussion: Be part of an event that has established its credibility as a vital forum for education stakeholders in Kenya, now in its 5th year.
  • Trusted by Sponsors: Similar to how leading organizations continually support major industry conferences, numerous educational and corporate entities repeatedly sponsor the KEWOTA AGM and Conference, recognizing its value and impact.

Unparalleled Exposure

  • Understand Key Trends: Gain insights into the main trends affecting education, empowerment, and policy development, directly from top-level speakers and experts.
  • Showcase Your Products: Present your products and services to a dedicated audience of educators, administrators, and decision-makers in the education sector, within the dedicated exhibition area.
  • Wide Reach: Your brand will be exposed to KEWOTA’s extensive network, including over 80,000 female educators across Kenya, and through the event’s advertising campaign in major educational and social media platforms.

Connect with Industry Influencers

  • Access to Key Stakeholders: Engage with over 1,000 educators, headteachers, and educational stakeholders, providing an unparalleled opportunity to connect with influential figures in the education sector.
  • Networking Opportunities: Enjoy unique opportunities for your staff to network with delegates during the conference, including sessions and informal networking events.
  • Strengthen Partnerships: Build and strengthen relationships with key education influencers, government officials, and development partners, driving meaningful change and innovation in the educational landscape.


Publicity Sponsor Ksh 3,000,000

Speaking Opportunity:

  •  10-Minute Speaking Opportunity: Address the audience with a dedicated 10-minute speaking slot, allowing you to present your organization’s vision, initiatives, and solutions directly to key stakeholders.

Event Branding:

    • Extensive Branding: Your logo will be prominently featured on all event marketing materials, conference signage, and digital platforms, ensuring maximum visibility.
    • Conference Hall Branding: Exclusive branding opportunities within the main conference hall, including banners and signage.

Exhibition Space:

    • Prime Exhibition Booth: A prime location for your exhibition booth (18m²), providing a high-traffic area to showcase your products and services to all delegates.
    • Dedicated 1-Page Advert: A full-page advert in the event program, ensuring that your brand and message are highlighted to all attendees.

Networking and Engagement:

    • Database Access: Gain access to a database of KEWOTA members, facilitating direct communication and engagement with over 80,000 female educators.
    • Networking Invitations: Invitation for 3 delegates to the exclusive networking cocktail/luncheon, providing opportunities to connect with key education stakeholders and decision-makers.

Additional Benefits:

    • Press Releases and Media Exposure: Inclusion in relevant press releases and media coverage of the event, enhancing your brand’s reach and credibility.
    • Social Media Promotion: Promotion on all KEWOTA social media platforms, including pre-event, during the event, and post-event mentions.

Marketing Collateral:

  • Your logo on all event marketing collateral, including brochures, flyers, and promotional materials distributed before and during the event.

Luncheon Sponsor Ksh 2,000,000

  • Speaking slot on the opening day and moderator role for a panel
  • Promotion in press releases, print ads, social media, and event signage
  • Prime exhibition booth and invitation of 5 delegates to the networking luncheon.

Branding and Visibility:

  • Logo on All Marketing Materials: Your logo will be prominently displayed on all event marketing materials, ensuring maximum visibility and brand recognition.
  • Logo and Profile on KEWOTA Website: Feature your logo and a 75-word profile on the ‘AGM and Conference Sponsors’ page of the KEWOTA website, highlighting your partnership and support.

Extensive Conference Branding:

  • Branding at the Conference Venue: Enjoy extensive branding opportunities on selected materials throughout the conference venue, enhancing your visibility among attendees.

Exhibition Opportunities:

  • Exhibition Stand: A dedicated exhibition stand (3m x 2m) to showcase your products and services to all conference delegates.

Delegate Access:

  • Conference Passes: Receive 14 passes, providing access to the conference sessions and social events, allowing your team to engage with educators and other stakeholders.

Gold Sponsor Ksh 800,000

  • Theme Banner: Your logo will be prominently displayed on the theme banner, ensuring high visibility throughout the conference.
  • Logo on Marketing Materials: Your logo will be included on all event sales collateral and marketing materials, enhancing brand recognition.
  • Print and Digital Ads: Inclusion of your logo in all print advertisements and digital promotions for the event, expanding your brand’s reach.
  • Stage and Signage Branding: Your logo will be featured on stage sets, relevant event signage, and conference holding slides, ensuring continuous visibility during the event.
  • MC Acknowledgement: Special acknowledgment by the Master of Ceremonies during the conference, highlighting your support to all attendees.
  • Social Media Promotion: Your brand will be promoted on KEWOTA’s social media platforms before, during, and after the event, increasing online visibility and engagement.
  • Complimentary Exhibition Space: A 9m² exhibition booth within the event’s networking area, allowing you to showcase your products and services to delegates.
  • Networking Invitation: Invitation for one delegate to the exclusive networking cocktail/luncheon, providing opportunities to connect with key education stakeholders and decision-makers.
  • Enhanced Booth Features: Your exhibition booth will include additional features such as branded materials, lighting, and a high-visibility location within the networking area.
  • Conference Program Advert: Half-page advert in the event program, ensuring that your brand message is communicated to all attendees.
  • Conference Bag Insert: Opportunity to include promotional material or a branded item in the conference bags distributed to all delegates.
  • Press Release Mention: Mention in relevant press releases related to the event, enhancing your brand’s credibility and reach.

Lanyard Sponsor Ksh 450,000

  • Logo on Marketing Materials: Your logo will be included on all event sales collateral and marketing materials, enhancing brand recognition.
  • Print and Digital Ads: Inclusion of your logo in all print advertisements and digital promotions for the event, expanding your brand’s reach.
  • Lanyard branding: Your logo will be featured on all lanyards worn by conference participants.
  • MC Acknowledgement: Special acknowledgment by the Master of Ceremonies during the conference, highlighting your support to all attendees.
  • Social Media Promotion: Your brand will be promoted on KEWOTA’s social media platforms before, during, and after the event, increasing online visibility and engagement.
  • Complimentary Exhibition Space: A 9m² exhibition booth within the event’s networking area, allowing you to showcase your products and services to delegates.
  • Networking Invitation: Invitation for one delegate to the exclusive networking cocktail/luncheon, providing opportunities to connect with key education stakeholders and decision-makers.
  • Enhanced Booth Features: Your exhibition booth will include additional features such as branded materials, lighting, and a high-visibility location within the networking area.
  • Conference Program Advert: Half-page advert in the event program, ensuring that your brand message is communicated to all attendees.
  • Press Release Mention: Mention in relevant press releases related to the event, enhancing your brand’s credibility and reach.

Bag & Stationery Sponsor Package (KES 250,000)

  • Event Branding:
    • Sponsor Acknowledgment: Official acknowledgment as a sponsor for the event, ensuring your brand is recognized for its support.
    • Logo on Marketing Materials: Your logo will be added to all event sales collateral and marketing materials, enhancing brand visibility and recognition.
  • Conference Signage:
    • Logo on Stage Sets and Signage: Your logo will be prominently included on the stage sets and all relevant event signage, ensuring continuous visibility during the event.
    • Conference Holding Slides: Your logo will be featured on conference holding slides, further reinforcing your brand’s presence.
  • Social Media and Online Promotion:
    • Social Media Promotion: Your brand will be promoted on KEWOTA’s social media platforms, including pre-event, during the event, and post-event mentions, increasing online engagement.
  • Exhibition Space:
    • Exhibition Booth: A 9m² exhibition booth within the event’s networking area, allowing you to showcase your products and services to all delegates in a well-positioned and equipped space.
  • Additional Benefits:
    • Conference Bag Branding: Your logo will be included on conference bags distributed to all delegates, providing ongoing visibility as attendees carry and use the bags.
    • Stationery Branding: Your logo will be featured on conference stationery items (e.g., notebooks, pens), ensuring continuous brand exposure throughout the event.

Tier 1 Booths 50,000 (Closer to the entrance)
Tier 2 Booths 30,000

  • Event Branding:
    • Logo in Event Brochure: Your logo will be featured in the event brochure, providing visibility to all attendees and highlighting your support for the conference.
  • Conference Access:
    • Conference Passes: Receive 2 full conference passes, granting access to all conference sessions and events, allowing you to engage directly with delegates.
  • Exhibition Space:
    • Exhibition Booth: Allocated exhibition space within the event networking area, including structure, stool, name board, and lighting. This space lets you showcase your products and services to attendees in a well-equipped and visible location.

Connect with key education stakeholders, showcase your brand, and contribute to transformative discussions shaping the future of education.

Get in touch with our team

+2547 84 321 321

Kenya Women Teachers Association(KEWOTA)